1.55am on Sunday 22 December 2024

Who runs After Sunday?

Details and contacts for our small Core Team

In February 2009, After Sunday became an independent charity (Reg Charity No. 1128086). Our Core Team, based in our Darlington office, work closely with our Trustees to make sure that After Sunday is fulfilling its obligations and meeting its aims and purpose. Our Core Team and Trustees are listed here, with contact options. Further Trustees will be appointed in due course and we hope to increase our Core Team to include a Co-ordinator in the near future, depending on funding.

Core Team


Revd Peter Sinclair

After Sunday Chief Executive is Revd Peter Sinclair, who works on an unpaid basis. The work of After Sunday is part of his self supported ministry as an anglican priest in the Diocese of Durham.

Core Team


Sarah McTimoney

After Sunday Company Secretary is Sarah McTimoney. Sarah operates as part of the Core Team on a part time basis and is responsible for funding and supporting After Sunday's development.

Trustees: Chair


The Very Revd Michael Sadgrove

The Very Revd Michael Sadgrove, Dean of Durham, is the Chair of the Board of Trustees.  He is  based in Durham Cathedral.


Robert Eden

Mr Robert Eden

Robert is a Company Director based in Darlington, Co Durham and Finance Director of After Sunday.


Geoff Miller

The Ven Geoff Miller

Geoff is Archdeacon of Northumberland, and is based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne


Edwin Pugh

Professor Edwin Pugh

Edwin is a Consultant in Palliative Medicine and is based on Teesside.


After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.