8.30pm on Tuesday 4 March 2025

Worship Resources

A collection of resources that you might find helpful for worship.

This is the begining of what we hope might become a growing collection of resources which help to make After Sunday connections in your regular worship.  If you have material you would like to share or suggestion to make about resources you have found helpful, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Worship Resource Categories


You are welcome to use these resources provided you acknowledge the authors who retain the copyright to their own materials.

Gatherings and Dismissals

After Sunday Dismissal by Debby Gill


After Sunday Hymn by Canon Rosalind Brown

This hymn was written for a BBC Radio 4 broadcast of Morning Worship from Durham Cathedral on 4th May 2008.


Worship Resources

Worship Resources
Resource Type
Jean Skinner
More Information
http://www.chrism.org.uk/Publications.htm (external)

A helpful short collection of worship resources that particularly focuses on the world of work produced by CHRSIM (Christians in Secular Ministry).

This booklet can be ordered from CHRISM directly

Worship Resources

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