9.44am on Wednesday 12 March 2025

Change at Work

From the time that we start working until the time that we eventually cease our working life, we go thoruigh many different stage and phases of work.  Working patterns are constantly changing and we can now expect to have a number of careers as well as many different patterns of work in our lives.  This all has an impact on what we expect from work and how we view the whole idea of work.

This section looks at some of the key stages in our working lives and some of the joys and tensions that they bring with them.

Starting out on a working life

  • Getting into work in the first place
  • Choosing our first job

Changing Jobs / Promotion / New Career

  • What are the issues when we choose to change jobs and careers
  • Coping with additional demands at work

Redundancy / Not working

  • How do we cope with involuntary job loss?
  • What are the practical steps to take initially
  • How do we make sense of our emotions?
  • How do we sustain ourselves in prolonged joblessness
  • How do we make sense of it spiritually?
  • Where can we get help?


  • What does retirement really mean to us
  • How did we ever have time to go to work?
  • How should we /fill our time'?

Changing patterns of Work

  • How can we expect the patterns of work to change in the future
  • What is the future for work?

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