Evening Prayer
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6.41pm on Saturday 22 February 2025
Have a look at this series of pictures of people in different settings and consider which of them might have a Christian vocation and how could you tell?
You may agree with us that all of these people could have a Christian vocation. After Sunday believes that Christian vocation is not limited to the job or role that we do but is equally about the kind of person we are. It is about how we have been crafted by God and how we respond to his call and share in his mission to the world. We have asked many people what they think it means to have a vocation. Here are some of the answers we usually get.
A Christian vocation is always exercised in a specific context and your job may be part or even the main way in which you live out your vocation. We believe that Christian vocation is something bigger than just a job.
This sequence of images of jobs hopefully makes the point that the old model of vocation that we reflect on elsewhere really needs to be refreshed if we are all to appreciate our place in God's kingdom building project in the world.
After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.