Evening Prayer
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5.09pm on Tuesday 4 March 2025
Lord, I am so often overtaken by machines, trapped by technology. My older skills are dying: I telephone instead of writing letters, I put on the CD instead of opening the lid of the piano, I drive to the shops in a sealed box well out of reach of my neighbours. And sometimes I feel controlled by what I should be controlling.
Help me to find my life again, enhanced and not eroded by these technical aids. Help me to take control, at least in my heart, and put them in their place. I do know that it is really a useful, impressive place: a place worthy of products of the highest human ingenuity. But I know too that it is a place where they are subordinate to human needs and human cares.
Help me, Lord, to rejoice at the machines, and to be hopeful about the future benefits they can bring.
May technology serve us Lord, so that we may better serve one another, and you.
Jeff Astley
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