9.57am on Saturday 22 February 2025

An overview of the Conversation Process

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What you need to have a useful faith Life Conversation


  • A group of 3-8 people who are interested to explore an issue that has some relevance to their lives and who are willing to listen to other points of view and be open to new insights.
  • Somewhere comfortable and relaxing to meet and discuss, probably around a table.  Refreshments would be good too.
  • At least 1 hour initially to get started and the willingness to meet again if the conversation proves fruitful
  • Someone in the group who is willing to be the Conversation leader.  They don’t have to be an expert in the topic or in matters of scripture or theology but just willing to keep the conversation structured and moving forward. After Sunday provides training and guidance for conversation leaders.
  • A blank white paper table cloth and some marker pens to make notes as the conversation develops.
  • Access to other sources of information to help with the Exploration and Reflection stages.

After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.