5.07am on Monday 10 March 2025

The After Sunday Course

An integrated series of modules, helping you make sense of your faith at work and in the world

After Sunday Course

The After Sunday Course is currently built around 4 core modules which are suitable for small group learning. Two of the modules are currently in their final stage of development and a further two modules are in the planning phase.

Facilitator Training


We offer training for those who wish to facilitate modules from the After Sunday Course.  This section of the site is only available to those who have registered as facilitators or are considering becoming facilitators.

After Sunday does offer general training for facilitators which is not connected with After Sunday course based on the work of Prof Sylvia Downs.  Contact us for more information.

Other Faith and Work Courses


Information about a selection of courses to support faith in daily life and work from other organisations. Please also let us know about any course that you have found helpful in connecting faith, work and daily life.

Set up an After Sunday Course

Find out how you can set up an After Sunday Course in your church and how After Sunday can support you.

Developing Facilitation Skills

Good facilitation skills are critical for effcetive learning. leadership and change in the church.

John Hull quote

Read more about After Sunday can help

After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.