9.25am on Monday 10 March 2025

After Sunday Courses

These courses have designed by After Sunday and details can be viewed below.

If you are interested in using any of these courses then please contact After Sunday and we will be pleased to help you. You may find the sessions for learning facilitators to be helpful in supporting this and other forms of group work and learning.

Essence of After Sunday

The Kingdom and I

The Kingdom and I
Resource Type
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Course Outline & Review

The overall aims of this course are to explore our understanding of the Kingdom of God and what it means for our faith and our lives.

As Christians our focus is set on working in partnership with God in his kingdom building work.  What does that mean for the places where we live and work?  What are the signs of the kingdom breaking in? How should we relate God's kingdom vision with the reality we see before us in the world?  How do we live out our faith and hope with integrity?

The course should be delivered in groups of up to 12 with a facilitator who is used to running open and participative structured group discussions.

Facilitation skills

Facilitating Learning

Resource Type
After Sunday
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Course Outline & Review

Everyone is involved one way and another in helping others to learn. It is particularly important with adults that they are really actively involved in learning. Some people are required to facilitate discussion groups, meetings or training sessions. It is very helpful for them to have the skills to help other learn.

This is a one day workshop that explore what makes for effective learning and practices some of the skills of leading group sessions effectively.


Have you seen a Burning Bush?

Have you seen a Burning Bush?
Resource Type
After Sunday
More Information
Course Outline & Review

This course is about exploring our vocation as Christians in the church and in the world. By vocation we don't just mean jobs or roles in the organised church. We see vocation as more than that and also more that doing any particular job. Our vocation is about who we are as the people God made us to be. It is about what God calls us to attend to from his point of view. It is about what our mission is in life and what actions we take to bring it to life.

Discerning our vocation is not something we can do on our own. This is a group activity that is facilitated, ideally by someone local who has been trained in the approach. Our vocations make most sense in relationship to others and need to be supported by the gathered church and leaders. Their involement is vital.

After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.