Night Prayer
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2.36am on Sunday 23 February 2025
We believe that there are three distinct aspects to exploring vocation all of which need to be addressed to give a full picture.
We are each unique persons who have been hand crafted by God. It is good to celebrate the diversity and the differences between us even though they may also be the source of conflicts.
We need to keep reminding ourselves that we are human ‘beings’ and not just human ‘doings’. There is something at very core of our being which if we are in tune with it can give our lives purpose and meaning. It may take us all our lives to discover what it is.
This core is not specific to a situation, although some situations may bring out the best in us. We often discover what our core is when we are not consciously searching for it. Others see it in us and often come to us because of the life that it gives to them as well as ourselves.
We need to keep trying to understand it and give it a name. It is not the totality of our vocation but is an important part of it. We may call this our giftedness or talent which we have been given in the expectation that we will do something with it. For vocational people there is often no gap between what they do and who they are.
Vocation involves a sense of being called by God to undertake a particular part of his purpose. He calls us to be wholly responsible for a part of his work and also to be partly responsible for the whole of his work.
Vocational people often have a sense that they are being drawn into being committed to something long before they work out what to commit themselves to.
Having a sense of vocation means that we have a role to play and that we are being called on to the stage of life to act out our part. It may not always be a part that we want or even feel is the one we feel we are ideally suited for. We are however called into action. The part we are given always offers us opportunities to be creative and make a difference.
Listening to God’s call for each of us is at the heart of exploring vocation. Fortunately, it is unlikely to go away and our attempts to ignore may eventually be defeated. The call is likely to be towards something very specific and is likely to be challenging and sometimes risky.
We all can have a ministry and for most of us that will be in the world. Ministry is about service and is active and responsive. We serve each other mutually. The nature of our service varies but it always contributes to the welfare of others or the wider society. It may involve standing up for justice and helping to bring into the open the truth that lies between people. Ministry may require that issues are confronted and conflicts faced and transformed. Ministry involves perseverance, and stubbornness and a constancy of purpose.
We find a sense of personal mission if we are able to use the gift that is most central to our being in those places where we discover that there is greatest need.
It may be if we are very lucky, we get paid for doing for this and our ministry and our work are one and the same.
Richard Nelson Bolles in his excellent book called 'What Colour is Your Parachute' observed that the unique mission that we each have has the three aspects which he describes in Stage 3 in this quotation.
Stage 1
"Your first Mission here on Earth is one which you share with the rest if the human race, but it is no less your individual mission for the fact that it is shared: and that is, to seek to stand hour by hour in the conscious presence of God, the one from whom your mission is derived. The Missioner before the Mission is the rule. Your mission here is: to know God and enjoy Him forever, and to see His hand in all His works"
Stage 2
"Your second Mission on Earth is also one which you share with the rest of the human race, but it no less your individual mission for the fact that it is shared: and that is, to do what you can, moment by moment, day by day, step by step, to make the world a better place, following the leading and guidance of God's Spirit within you and around you."
Stage 3
"Your third Mission here on earth is one which is uniquely yours and that is:
a. to exercise that talent which you particularly came to earth to use - your greatest gift, which you most delight to use
b. in the place(s) or setting(s) which God has caused to appeal to you the most
c. and for the purposes which God most needs to have done in the world"
Richard Nelson Bolles 'What Colour is Your Parachute'
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