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2.34am on Sunday 9 March 2025
This Essence of After Sunday section offers 5 short sessions which explore the key ideas that underpin After Sunday thinking. Each of the topics below offers an introduction which is then followed up in more depth in the other resource sections.
You could use any of these 5 sessions in this section individually or as part of a short course that we have called Follow Me on Monday. This would be an excellent course for Epiphany, Lent, Pentecost or Advent.
More information about follow me on monday
Click on the session title to expand a description, download session materials and listen to an audio guide for the session. In the Follow Me on Monday section you can find files to download that have all the materials for the facilitator or group member for the whole course.
The invitation of Jesus is simply to ‘follow me’. As we seek to live as disciples who follow, we have to work out our own sense of calling or vocation. We want to explore a broad understanding of the word vocation which can apply to everyone and makes sense of following Jesus in our work and daily life. In this session we will explore what having a calling or vocation means and particularly, how we can work out how best to follow as the unique person we have each been made to be.
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There is a divide which still tends to dominate our view of the Christian life. This is the separation between the ‘sacred’ and ‘secular’. What do we mean by these terms and how do these ideas shape or limit our thinking about the activity of God in daily work and life? What does it mean to live beyond the divide? This session encourages you in your discipleship, to recognise and respond to the ‘sacred’ in the ordinary and helps us to think more widely about our encounter with God in daily work and life.
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Work is integral to who we are as human beings. Work is the means by which we express our creativity in living as disciples. It shapes our identity and it has deep impression on our psychological, social and spiritual well being. Above all then, we may say that work is fundamental because it is to do with how we collaborate with God, how we are partners with God. Work is so much more than having a paid job and it has many different forms. This unit offers an introduction to these themes and begins to explore them from the perspective of living faithfully and hopefully.
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Through our discipleship in daily life we find ourselves caught up in God’s transfiguring and transforming work. We are being changed and renewed, as is the world around us. How do we perceive the world around us now? How might we look at the world differently, through the eyes of Christ? In this session, we explore habits of discipleship and reflection, which enable us to attend to the world and engage in God’s transfiguring and transforming love.
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Discipleship is personal but not individualistic. At our baptism we become part of the Church. We are commissioned to shine as lights in the world to the glory of God, and our journey of discipleship begins. How do we understand what it means to belong to and be part of the Church, and to keep focussed on the hope that we have in Jesus Christ in everyday situations? This session explores what we mean by ‘church’ and how we live as the church in the world.
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This is a short course (5 sessions) on whole life discipleship from After Sunday. These sessions could be used individually or as a series. Together they offer an excellent overview of the core ideas at the essence of living after Sunday.
Each of the 5 topics that are addresses in this series are followed up in more depth in the other resources provided by After Sunday.
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After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.