Night Prayer
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Want to share your prayers? Post them on the Prayer Wall
10.36pm on Sunday 9 March 2025
What Follow Me on Monday offers you
This short course, Follow Me On Monday, is aimed to encourage us in our Christian discipleship in daily life and work. Our life in Christ has a rhythm of going out from and returning to the praise and sacramental worship of Sunday, expressing and exploring this within, and gathering it from, our life in the world. Our Christian calling is, quite simply and profoundly, to follow Jesus. He goes before us into our world and there we shall find him, as he promised. To this discipleship we bring the whole of us, all our faculties, all our senses in our thinking, our acting and our experiencing.
The five elements of the course are entitled: “Faithful Following”, “Wholly Living, “Called to Partnership”, “Raising our Eyes” and “Go in Peace”.
The first element -“Faithful Following” roots us in the beginning as we find a fresh understanding of calling (our vocation to follow), and challenges us to move beyond some stereotypes that are attendant upon the idea of vocation.
The second element - “Wholly Living” explores the intimate relationship between wholeness and holiness with a view to discovering anew what a spirituality in daily life might be for ourselves. It summons us to move beyond the implicit (and sometimes explicit) divide been sacred and secular.
The third element -“Called to Partnership” addresses our understandings of work and all that occupies us creatively. This is about much more than “jobs and occupations” (where employment can be variously good, bad, hard to come by, transient). It is an invitation to explore discipleship in relation to whatever brings us fulfilment, self worth and thanksgiving.
The fourth element -“Raising our Eyes” reflects on the significance of transfiguration in relation to our discipleship in daily life. It encourages us to read afresh the story of the Transfiguration and to find its meaning for ourselves in putting paths of spirituality into practice. We reflect on what it is to see the presence of Christ in our midst (often unexpectedly), and to respond faithfully and creatively.
The fifth element -“Go in Peace” is taken from the dismissal at the Eucharist: “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord”. It encourages us to reflect on our journey back to Sunday, gathering up all our experiences through the week, and on what it means to be the church in both gathered and dispersed mode.
Each element is structured in a similar way with interactive exercises and some guided reading to encourage creative individual-centred learning and sharing with fellow participants. There is an emphasis throughout on enjoyment and discovery.
We hope you enjoy this opportunity to explore your discipleship in daily life.
After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.