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6.36pm on Saturday 22 February 2025
The Bishop of Chichester's Lent sermon from 2006 - a look at the Labyrinth as a path of life.
Teaching is an honourable profession, and deserves recognition as such. But Christians, and others, often call it a vocation. Dr Rowan Williams, then Archbishop of Wales, wrote on the subject of vocation in 2001. The article is published as an appendix to Lord Dearing's report on Church schools.
The book updates references to women's ordination and now uses inclusive language throughout. Vocation in this context means that God calls every human being to a particular task, if only we can stop and listen.
Exploring vocation offers practical advice on how we can find God in whatever work we do. Offers a five step journey of discovery and explore options and alternatives in a bid to reach your vocation and service in life
Gerard Hughes shows a way that you can find yourself, your position in life and your relationship with God.
Is your job, and the lifestyle it brings, totally satisfying? Or do you feel, even vaguely, that somewhere there must be something more challenging, more fulfilling and more rewarding for you? If so, you may already be on your way to discovering what is uniquely shaped to fit your gifts, abilities and temperament: your vocation.
A collection of stories and quotations focusing on God's calling to joyous life and fruitfulness, each in our own way. This title invites us on a journey of discovery to find ourselves and our true work and acts as a companion on that quest.
Some people think that vocation is just for special people...but God calls us all to live our lives shaped and directed by his call. This Lent course explores the meaning of vocation for everyone.
Few of us are sufficiently in touch with our own still centre to live from within outwards. This is a book to help and encourage readers to live at least some of their life that way.'
Rick Warren helps readers to discover, develop, and fulfill God's purpose for their lives
With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.
Provides spiritual insights and practical advice as part of a program for fulfilling personal business goals and explains how to develop life-propelling action plans.
This book explores how we can recognise the difference between God's will and our own and deepen our ability to understand God's purposes.
Here are over 50 short real-life stories of people who woke up and realised that "this is not a dress rehearsal". They took the trouble to ask what life is for, where their real gifts lie and what they really want to do with their lives.
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